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(1 edit) (+1)

It took me a few levels to figure out what I was supposed to be doing, but now that I understand it's really fun and challenging! The difficulty progression is well done. I do wish I could see what level I'm on though.

:D thanks for playing. Yeah the level thing is something I have to work on, I'm sorta torn on what I want to do there I have a few ideas that could be fun, but still not 100% sure what I want to do with the game :P But I do think the next 10 levels I'm going to add a level select or something for that for sure :)

10 New Levels are up :)


Could you please team up with some MOS6510 expert and port that game to the C64? I am pretty sure that it has all what it needs to be even picked up by one of the well known publishers for physical distribution using real CRTs with awesome packaging and posters. :)

Yeah that would be really cool honestly :) I do really like the idea of old school retro marketing and things like that, would be need to see it on an older platform :)


Cool game. I like that it’s playable from browser!

Thank you for playing it :D Yeah it was important for me that it can be played from the browser, should work on most phones and tablets also via the browser also :)


Oh wow, that’s right, I can play it on mobile! Good job man


Very cool game, creative idea and the itch page it's a masterpiece!

Thank you! :) I'm  happy you like it :D


Very nice execution!

Thank you πŸ™ 


nice job getting 3d! i really like this game

πŸ˜ƒ yeah I was surprised there were so many good submissions to this jam. Thank you for playing :)


yeah no prob man it was really great and super fun to play


Very cool game, I'll admit I was confused at first (probably me being a dummy) but after a bit I got it down, good job!

:D I'm glad you stuck with it, one of my main worries was people not getting it and quitting :) Thank you for playing!

same here! hahahaha!


I really liked this game! Simple but fun puzzles! 

Thank you :) Glad you enjoyed it!


This was nice, at first I didn't understand how you move to the next level until I saw the dots, which I don't think it's a bad feature. Overall nice game. 8/10

Thank you :D and yeah I added those dots in about an hour before I was finished, I'm glad I did.


This is awesome! I was really surprised by the mechanics and this fits incredible with the only-mouse jam restriction. I also love how you used the asset pack and the monochrome look! Great entry :D

Yeah I love the  monochrome look of this pack, I think this is the best pack for 2D sprites. Happy you like the game :)


Nice work. But game is pretty hard. Good luck in future projects:)

Thank you :) And yeah you aren't wrong, it was actually a lot harder until my wife played it and was completely lost... I think with some more time I could create more of a balance with that.


Good luck)


wow, first i was very confused, then the πŸ’‘ came! this is great work!


:D thank  you! I'm happy you liked it :)