Joined the "Finish that damn game! (jam)" for Between Two Worlds

I joined the Finish that damn game jam and I will submit Between two Worlds to it. What started out as a game jam game more then a year and a half ago will be finally finished in the next 2 weeks and submitted.

I learned SOOO much making this game that it has been invaluable and was instrumental in me winning 3rd place in the Kenney Game jam a few months ago. I was really thinking of just leaving it as that as a learning experience and never releasing it, but I decided it deserved more then that with the time I put into it.

It will be rough, it's a 3D adventure game built in a Construct 3 so I had to build it from a top down perspective which was hard getting the placement of the models and assets exactly right, but I am proud of what I did here considering I've never built a 3D game before.

Should be out and ready to play October 15th 2024 :D which is almost a year since I originally wanted to be done last year :P 

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